Thursday 11 October 2012

My 2012/13 Bakery HIT LIST

At the meet & greet today we discussed our ambitions for the coming year. I have quite a few, and as I'm on maternity I have a *little* bit of time to make them happen. My hit list is below, so if anybody knows how to make any of these please let me know...I would love your tips! Most of these are pretty complicated so we may not want to do all of them in the club, but I will be pursuing them in my own time, and I will keep everyone posted of my experiments (and results!); so if anybody wants to join me in having a go, just let me know!

1. Macarons (left)
2. Brioche (my favourite!)
3. Madeleines
4. Cannelés (below)
5. Financiers
6. Choux pastries
7. Some Viennoiseries.
and last but not at all least, I am going to begin the big project of making:
8. my own sourdough bread including cultivating my own sourdough starter.
For those who don't know about the special qualities of Sourdough bread and why it is one of *the* big challenges have a look here.

(nb Anatolij, there are some desirable bacteria in these breads, so we *have now* found a cross over between your DPhil and baking group!)

I'd like to get a bit creative with sugarpaste too...I tend to do buttercream icings because they are tasty and I'm lazy. 

Please do feel free to share your HIT LIST for the year. It's good to be ambitious, and I can't wait to see your ideas.

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