Friday 4 November 2011

Recipe ideas for December.

Dear Hot Crossers,

I had a look through my books to find some possible recipes for our next meet:

1. I tried to find a Pecan Pie recipe after Smita's suggestion but it turns out I don't have one :(

There is a recipe for Pecan Pie available on BBC Good Food, so if you would like to have a go, they're usually pretty reliable.

2. In the meantime I did find what looks like a lovely recipe for Swiss Walnut and Toffee Cake in the excellent book Warm Bread and Honey Cake by Gaitri Pagrach-Chandra.

It involves making a short crust syle pastry and a toffee and walnut filling then covered over with another layer of pastry and sounds great. It should look something like this:

3. I love this book, so I kept looking through. I found a pretty simple loaf cake recipe for Nutmeg Cake with Rum Syrup which I think would be a simple but tasty (and different) option.

4. Another excellent and Christmas-y/winter-y recipe is for Gevulde Speculaas, which is Dutch gingerbread filled with almond paste. If you've been to Holland in the late Autumn or early winter you will have seen these for sale. They are DELICIOUS and if you are using a sliceable cake-style recipe, look somethng like this:

5. Sugee Cake: Following Kim's suggestion I had a look for a Sugee recipe. I found this You will see that one of the blogger's friends (who has her own food blog) made some alterations to the recipe. Her version is here: So we can compare and contrast. This is a very delicious and very rich semolina cake. Yum Yum. The "little teochew" also has a Sugee cookie recipe

Please all vote for which recipe you would like to try by commenting below! If you have another idea, please post it!



  1. Personally my vote goes to the walnut and toffee pie. It's really different. it will take a little time, but I think it will be worth it. :)

  2. I'm going to vote for number 4! And 30 Nov is ok for me :)

  3. Naturally I'm voting for the sugee cake! I'll post the recipe my aunt sent me as soon as I can find it.
    30 Nov is good for me too. I work from 10-2pm on Saturdays and 12-4pm on Sundays so weekends are pretty tough for me.

  4. I'm voting for the walnut and toffee pie. The photo looks very concincing :). During the week I've got time in the evening and I usually have time at the weekend.

  5. Sorry, have been rather busy and haven't logged onto the blog until now.
    Is it too late to vote? The pecan Pie looks delicious~

  6. I love to see my photo here on this blog - but it would be really nice, if you link to the original blog. :) Hope you speak german?
    Here`s the link to the original receipt:

    Hugs from Germany, Terragina
